If you feel self-conscious about your under eye bags there’s no need to worry, there are plenty of treatment options when it comes to eye bag removal.
What Causes Bags Under the Eyes?
Knowing what is causing the problem is extremely helpful. Here are three main reasons that you may develop bags under your eyes, these include;
Loss of Fatty Tissue
When we get older, our skin loses the fatty tissue that gives us a plump and useful facial structure. The fat beneath the eyes disappears faster than anywhere else on the face, this causes uneven deflation that can highlight the eye bags. Loss of fatty tissue in the upper cheeks (right beneath the eye bags) is one of the most common causes of eye bags.
Weakening of Orbital Septum
The orbital septum is the membrane that basically “holds” the fat in place under the eye. Ageing can cause this to weaken and when it does, the fat can begin to bulge outward and press on the skin, instead of sitting nicely underneath it. This can cause or amplify the appearance of eye bags.
As well as ageing, genetics can play a part in the development of eye bags. Some people are just genetically predisposed to have extra far under their eyes. There is nothing you can do to prevent this but there is a way to fix the problem, there are different types of eye bag removal treatment to choose from to rectify the problem.
Non-Surgical Treatments for Eye Bags
The typical non-surgical treatment for eye bags is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers, which are usually made out of a gel substance called hyaluronic acid. This is naturally found in the body and can be used to fill areas of the face that have lost volume over time. they can also be used to add volume where there was none before, this can be dangerous as it can throw the natural look out the window.
If your eye bags are caused by loss of volume to the cheeks and face, dermal fillers can be used to restore the smooth transition between under-eye and cheek, eliminating the eye bags.
After most non-surgical eye bag removal treatments, you should be able to return to work the next day – if not the same day! For some patients, slight tenderness, redness and swelling are common in the first 7-10 days after the procedure. This doesn’t happen very often and is generally nothing to worry about.
Eye Bag Removal Surgery
For eye bags that are caused by bulging or excess fat under the eyes, then a surgical procedure will likely be the most successful course of action. Dermal fillers can be used in some cases, but this will be dependent on the patient’s facial structure.
During the eye bag removal surgical procedure, the cosmetic surgeon will remove or adjust the fat under the eye to eliminate the eye bags. Some patients will even get the added bonus of excess skin removal from under the eyes.
Most patients can usually resume normal activates one week after eye bag removal surgery. Full recovery can take anywhere between 4-6 weeks, this will depend on your body’s natural healing pace and how closely you follow the post-surgery procedures that you’ve been given by your doctors.